Welcome to Lit.
Hum.! |
Literature Humanities, a flagship course of the Core Curriculum, is one of the experiences you share with all Columbia College students (and many Engineering students) for the last 64 years. (Contemporary Civilization goes back even further than that--to 1919.) The following text is from the Core
Curriculum page at Columbia: In these pages, as well as in class, we will work on coming up with some really good questions. |
Homer's Iliad "mênin aeide thea Pêlêïadeô Achilêos..." Some key terms in the Iliad--words that appear with especial frequency in the poem and that would have had particular resonance for Homer's Greek audience--are the following:
If you're interested in checking the frequency of these words in the Iliad, you can find a transliterated text of the original Greek at the Perseus Digital Library. Click on any word in the text to find out what it means, how frequently it is used in the Iliad, and how frequently it is used by other ancient Greek authors (for comparison). The interface also lets you switch between the transliterated Greek text and an English translation, so you can keep track of where you are in the poem. In class, we will pay particular attention to books 1, 3, 6 and 9. And don't forget to check out What is "Close Reading"? for more tips on how to read for Lit. Hum.! |
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