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due at noon on Friday, September 28, 2001 |
Please do a close
reading of one of the following passages and write an essay
of about 1000 words (4 double-spaced pages) in which you analyze: Passages: 1. II: 211-277 ("Now the rest…words of revilement.") 2. II: 455-483 ("As obliterating fire…among the fighters.") 3. IV: 473-489 ("There Telamonian Aias…illustrious/Aias killed.") 4. XIII: 18-38 ("So presently…for their lord gone.") 5. XVIII: 490-540 ("On it he wrought…who had fallen.")
· Give your essay a title that describes your work (i.e., not
"The Iliad"). · Be sure to look over your Self-Help Sheet once before writing and again before proof-reading. That way, your essay will in the best possible shape when you submit it. |
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